Purpose & features
What does Xermes stand for?
Xermes stands for Java implementation of W3C XForms standard
What good is it?
Xermes provides means for developing the object way - there is nothing else than application logic. In Xermes-empowered application, there is both persistence and user interface assured on the background.
Xermes makes it possible to swith from simple desktop application to fat server / thin client architecture (and back) with minimal effort
Xermes manages single GUI definition for multiple front-end types (Swing, HTML, WML, ..)
Xermes ensures unified apperance and behavior of data collecting forms within project
Xermes accomodates GUI to business model "on the fly", i.e. automatically
Xermes thoroughly separates model from the view. It steers for better manageability.
If you are at least a bit interested, let's read through this site. You will find a lot of vivid diagrams here, so you will be able to make your own opinion in short time, I think. There is a simple green-arrowed navigation panel on the right for your convenience.